Sunday 14 January 2018

My 100th Post!!

WOAH!! 100 POSTS!! 

I actually stuck to something? Now theres an achievement!!

Okay. So I may have took a turn down slacker street once in a while, where I forget to post for days.. maybe even months. But I came back did't I? And I now feel even more positive than ever towards this; I feel like this time around, I'm going to stick to it. I made that promise to myself at the start of last year.

If anything, I feel like this 100th post business should have been a LONG time ago. But like the old toy replenishment guy from Toy Story 2 once said "You can't rush art!". I've always remembered that one line in life, and take it in my own context as; If theres something worth doing, something you love, don't rush it. It happens naturally, at your own pace. Writing/blogging, is also a form of art, and there is no time frame for it. Anyways, this is me doing that rambling thing again. Welcome to my head!

So perhaps this will be the year I reach the 200th mark? Perhaps not! Who knows! We will let time answer that one. All I know is like I said, this for me feels more of a personally achievement. I feel like I am finally starting to find things that I love doing, and that give me a sense of satisfaction. So I'm not going to stop now.

If you're reading this, thank you for reading and giving me a moment of your precious day.

Til' next time.

Adios amigo!

Time to watch Toy Story.  

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